Exploring a Church-Based Peer Counseling Program in Malawi and Zambia
What is the acceptability and priority for a church-based peer support counseling program in Malawi and Zambia?
What is the acceptability and priority for a church-based peer support counseling program in Malawi and Zambia?
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Our online Community Health Ministry professional certificate training is now available in a self-study format. Choose what you wish to learn on your schedule. In partnership with Wisconsin Lutheran College, we will continue to add tools and training to our online catalog. Check out more details on our CHM page or sign up in the Meros training catalog.
What do parents in low resourced neighborhoods think about developing a Bible-based program that teaches practical ways to feed young children as a way to prevent malnutrition?
How do clinical and non-clinical staff at AIC Kijabe Hospital understand and practice spiritual care? What are the gaps in their knowledge and practices that can be addressed to improve holistic patient care by integrating faith and health?
Faith-based recovery models are available for individuals seeking help with substance use. Combining a Christian recovery program with financial goal setting is a novel approach to enhancing recovery support. This pilot study investigated the effectiveness of a combined faith-based recovery plus financial literacy program.
Bringing Health and Faith to Community
How appropriate is a Christian based sexuality program in shaping young people’s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and social norms?
Is there a significant prevalence of menstrual health poverty amongst women in the rural areas of Ondo State of Nigeria?
Does the Christian faith and belief system affect the menstrual health practices of women in the rural areas of Ondo State of Nigeria? If yes, then how does the Christian faith and belief system affect the menstrual health practices of women in the rural areas of Ondo State of Nigeria?
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The Meros Center was created to be a place where faith-based health organizations, researchers, and learners can find the support they need to measure, innovate, and share their impact. In this vibrant hub of networking and discovery, believers work together to reflect the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus.
Our mission was brought to life by a partnership between Kingdom Workers and Wisconsin Lutheran College. Both organizations are committed to the vision of Meros.