Feasibility of Community Health Worker alcohol screening and referral to church-based recovery support in Zambia Church

Meros is developing a faith-based recovery model for rural central Africa.   

Project Background

In cooperation with the University of Zambia, we will test an adapted alcohol screening instrument (e.g. SURE or SIP-AD) using community health workers. The aim will be to evaluate the acceptability to receive brief intervention by drinkers from a community health worker. A second aim of the study will be to assess the acceptability of church-based peer recovery groups as a place for drinkers to receive support in cutting back or quitting. The potential outcomes include reduced drinking and direct health outcomes, increased family cohesion, and child health/education.

We are currently recruiting for

  1. A research intern to assist with data collection in Zambia
  2. Literature review
  3. IRB development
  4. Survey development
  5. Analysis
  6. Manuscript development

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