Developing a Relational Grace Conceptual Framework

Organization:  The Meros Center


The concept of grace is embedded in a myriad of spiritual, philosophical, and theological discussions for millennia, but only recently come to the attention of psychologists and sociologists. Although largely underexplored and underdefined in contemporary scholarly literature, grace has increasingly been recognized for its potential impact on public health. Researchers have often addressed grace’s definitions and conceptualizations from a philosophical or theoretical perspective, separately from studies involving qualitative or quantitative methodological explorations.  Additionally, grace has been understood and defined within the context of particular religious traditions, with nuanced perspectives situated between particular faiths. However, grace is understood as a universal concept and identified as a powerful force worthy of further inquiry.

This project is funded by: Donors like you

Research Question:

What are the essential elements of Relational Grace and how do those connect to public health and human flourishing?

Study Aims:

  1. Provide a comprehensive definition of Relational Grace that can be used in research.
  2. Develop a multidimensional theoretical framework relevant for science and practice, allowing for further development of empirical investigations to explore Relational Grace as an integral component of human relationships, human flourishing.


This study will lay the foundation to incorporate the concept of relational grace in future research studies and public health practices.

Open Positions: (Fully staffed)

Timeline:  October 2023 – April 2025

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One Response

  1. Project Update: The team developed an initial theoretical framework and has received feedback from the Meros Scholar community. Currently a manuscript is underway to publish the framework in a peer-reviewed journal. Their goal is to have it submitted and accepted by the end of 2024.

    • Affiliation - Meros Center

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