Description of a Global Health Model Informed by its Leaders Of Excellence

Organization:  Sustainable Medical Missions


Established in 2013, Sustainable Medical Missions (SMM) is a faith-based organization that has shown success in empowering indigenous leaders from underdeveloped Asian and African countries to combat neglected tropical diseases sustainably. SMM’s model consists of guiding local faith and medical leaders through a thorough process that enables them to be designated as leaders of excellence – individuals supported financially to oversee high-impact sustainable income projects and health initiatives in their local communities. These health initiatives are both preventive and treatment focused. 

While the current model used by the organization is well-developed and functions efficiently, it lacks a descriptive framework that can be shared and used to educate other organizations with similar aims.

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Research Question:

Can we use insights from key SMM program leaders to describe the characteristics, methods, and sustainability of their global health model in such a way that others can learn from it?

Study Aims:

  1. How is the SMM structure implemented in the field?
  2. How do leaders of excellence uniquely impact this model?
  3. What competencies and knowledge areas are essential to replicate and scale this model with other non-profits and practitioners in this space of sustainable community health ministry


This research will develop a conceptual model to describe the underlying framework behind SMM’s current model. The findings will be used for SMM to make strategic decisions and also in a case study commentary about the model’s elements. We expect that sharing this model will allow other organizations to consider strategies that will enhance the effectiveness of their programs.

Open Positions:

1 Research Scholar for qualitative analysis support and writing. (please note project when applying)

Timeline:  TBD

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3 Responses

  1. August 2024 Update: The research team has conducted in-depth interviews with Sustainable Medical Missions Leaders of Excellence in multiple countries. Our research assistants are now going through the interview transcripts to identify key themes and information which will be used to characterize the organization’s model. We look forward to seeing what key focus areas have risen to the top in creating their sustainable community health ministry programs.

    • Affiliation - The Meros Center
  2. November 2024 Update: Our research assistants are nearing completion of analyzing the interviews and we are eager to see how these insights will support Sustainable Medical Missions’ ongoing work as well as that of other organizations. One of our assistants was able to share her experience and some preliminary findings at Baylor University’s Global Health Fellows research symposium. Thank you for your prayers for this project!

    • Affiliation - The Meros Center
  3. February 2025 Update: We are in the final stages of our qualitative analysis and look forward to summarizing the insights to share. We’ve been encouraged by the wisdom and experience shared by community leaders and in how they’ve seen God at work. Thank you for your ongoing support!

    • Affiliation - The Meros Center

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