Organizations: The Meros Center and the Global CHE Network
Working with CHE partners in both countries and support from the Global CHE Network, Meros facilitates, trains, and sends students to assist with data collection in Guatemala and Ghana working alongside organizational leaders. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, we work to better understand the integration of faith and health through the CHE model.
Research Question:
What is the impact of spiritual beliefs of households in CHE communities on health behaviors?
Study Aims:
Compare health status, health behaviors and spiritual beliefs of households in CHE communities compared to non-CHE communities in Guatemala and Ghana.
Higher understanding of the affects of CHE in communities.
Open Positions:
1 Field Research Assistant – We are currently looking for a volunteer to visit Guatemala to interview Spanish speaking communities.
Timeline: June 2024 – August 2024
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2 Responses
August 2024 Update: We have collected survey data in both Ghana and Guatemala. Our team is working on sharing the data back with the CHE communities in Ghana who participated so that they can see the physical and spiritual impacts of CHE programs. We would still welcome a volunteer research assistant to be part of an interview team in Guatemala. The timeline for this is flexible – please contact us if you are interested!
November 2024 Update: Data has been shared back with local communities and we are now looking at other ways to share study processes and findings more broadly. The CHE Ghana study team is currently preparing a manuscript for publication. Thank you for your prayers and support for this work!