The Meros Center Global Learning Experience

WLC Students!  Sign up for our Informational on Tuesday, March 25th 4:30-6:00 in the Library Heritage room.  Travel to California, Malawi, or Grenada J-term 2026!  Free food, information and fun!  Learn how it may be a fit for you!  Seating is limited, reserve your spot! Visit Rodd in the Meros Center Office (WLC Library L024) or email with “GLX Info” in the subject.  Follow us on Instagram for updates!

The Meros Center in collaboration with Wisconsin Lutheran College and Kingdom Workers offers students a Global Learning Experience (GLX) including a professional development certificate in Community Health Ministry (CHM).  The GLX offers students a transformational opportunity to Experience New CulturesLearn Health Ministry, and to Transform Lives in a global Kingdom Worker mission field.

How does it work?

1) Apply before the end of the Spring Semester

          Fill out an Application

2) Train in the Summer and Fall Semesters

          Train Online and prepare with Meros Mentors 

3) Travel during the J-term

          Transform lives the first two weeks of January

The GLX CHM Training Certification

Theology of Community Health

This course focuses on the biblical foundation and theology necessary to implement a community health ministry initiative in your church or community. It covers the theology of the cross, anthropology, the two kingdoms, shalom, vocation, ethics, and the role of science in Christian living. The objective is to provide students with a biblical lens through which community health ministry is understood and applied as a service to our neighbors. View Course Listing

Mental Health Ministry 

This course focuses on the current issue of mental health and illness from a global context. The global burden of anxiety, depression, addiction, and gender-based violence are explored to compare current faith-based programs and interventions. Several strategies are presented to support families and community groups with law/gospel approaches.  View Course Listing

Principles of Health Ministry

This course discusses the principles of community engagement and development through a public health framework. Students will learn participatory learning and action tools, asset-based community development, and health theories to ground community health ministry. Evaluation strategies will be applied to understand program effectiveness and accountability to community needs. Historical approaches to poverty alleviation will be explored to understand current conditions of development.  View course Listing

Explore All The Meros Center Training Offerings

Is the Community Health Ministry Certificate right for you?

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